Tim Clark (HCLSoftware)
Tim Clark is a Senior Product Manager for HCL Domino & Notes. He is responsible for Notes, Nomad, Verse clients and oversees the Traveler, Mobile clients, HTMO & SafeLinx products.
Previously in HCL Tim was the Worldwide Program Manager and the creator of the HCL Ambassador program and the User Group Manager for HCL Digital Solutions.
He spends a lot of his time as a “Technical Leader” making use of the products from HCL Digital Solutions. Tim has a passion for HCL Domino Leap and he has built many Domino Leap apps that are solving real business problems for HCL.
He’s a certified Pragmatic Product Manager and Prince2 project bore. He loves to think he’s technical having been around Notes and Domino since V3 (Jan 1994). Tim has previously worked for BCC, Teamstudio, TC Soft Consulting, GSX, IBM/Lotus.
For fun, he cycles, makes lots of noise playing drums and is trying to learn the guitar. Sometimes he rides motorbikes and scuba dives. Tim lives in the UK with his wife, 2 teenage children and 4 cats